Underground Petroleum Pipelines
Norwalk, CA
2011-Present Day
Underground Petroleum Pipelines – Norwalk, CA
Underground Petroleum Pipelines – Norwalk, CA
REGULATORY AGENCY – Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles
CONTAMINANTS OF CONCERN – Diesel, Jet Fuel, Naptha
REMEDIAL STRATEGY APPLIED – Excavation by Air Knife, Free Product Recovery
SPECIAL CHALLENGES – Busy Roadway Work, Petroleum Forensics
Underground Petroleum Pipelines – Norwalk, CA
Project Summary
A historical release of petroleum from one or more pipelines within an underground pipeline transmission network led to soil and groundwater contamination below a busy intersection in Norwalk, California, adjacent to the I-5 Freeway in southeast Los Angeles County. Murex was hired to determine the location of the source, assess the vertical and lateral extent of soil and groundwater impacts, and to determine the specific type of refined petroleum product so as to narrow the owner of the leaking pipeline. Complicating the work was the presence of a petroleum service station near the intersection that was being studied.

A large grid of passive soil vapor testing was used to pinpoint the leak location, and a network of groundwater monitoring wells was installed to characterize the shallow aquifer. Free product samples from various wells were subjected to forensic testing to determine their unique mixture of refined and semi-refined products, in order to a) distinguish the pipeline release from the nearby gas station release, b) identify the leaking pipeline, and in turn, c) identify the pipeline owner responsible for cleanup.
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